RIT 2nd Year BOOKS with Urdu Tranlation| LATEST EDITION 2025 written by Dr. Benish Asif, is an excellent book for all Radiography and imaging technician Diploma students.
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- It is included in the 2nd year syllabus of all Punjab Medical Faculty, Paramedics, Federal Board other Medical Faculties & AJK.
- It includes 3 books
Radiograpy Technique-2
Applied Science-2
Basic Medical Science-2 - The best part of this book is that, this is tranlated in urdu.
- Students can read it and easily understand it.
- After reading this book no other books like helping books or guides are needed.
- All basics knowledge is there which a medical student requires in Radiography and imaging Techniques.
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RIT 2nd Year BOOKS with Urdu Tranlation| LATEST EDITION 2025
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