Nursing Books 1st year| latest editions are now available
it includes following books
- Fundamentals of nursing volume 1 & 2
- Community health nursing 1&2…Basavanthapa
- anatomy and physiology by ross & wilson
- Microbiology seema sood or microbiology by warren levinson
- Biochemistry Jacob A or instant biochemistry
- nutrition,,
- English for nurses
- In addition to these books, ialsmiayt and pak studies are also included
- Ross & wilson are original books
- Lippicott biochemistry Micro and nutrition are available in color form
- Pak medical books is an online store in Lahore. we deliver books all over Pakistan.
- you can call or WhatsApp us on 0313-4709195 for you order or directly book your order on we try our best to deliver at your door step as early as possible

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